Selected flock that gets to the factory farm is provided with the best start from the very first days of placing. Using properly selected light programme, the poultry is being prepared to begin production of the eggs in the optimum period of its development. Roosters, which are reared separately, are blended into the flock of hens in proper proportion that ensure maximum fertilisation of hatching eggs. Specialised employees with years of experience evaluate the quality of roosters to guarantee high fertility rates and stable laying performance of the flocks during the whole process of egg production.
Regular tests and constant monitoring corresponding with the highest European Union standards ensure, that the flock is provided with the best and the safest development conditions. In order to secure proper behaviour of the birds, we selected the housing equipment in a way that minimises the amount of floor eggs. Reproductive buildings are equipped with fully automated Big Dutchman nests, ensuring minimum contact time of the hen with the egg. Thereby, hatched egg’s exposure to potentially contaminated environment is limited, and the process itself becomes even more hygienic.